Releveum® All-in-one Skin Repair Cream is a patented proprietary formula classified as an over-the-counter drug by the FDA containing 4% lidocaine (a numbing agent) and 96% all-natural ingredients including organic aloe vera and calendula for pain relief and intensive skin repair.
Releveum® helps relieve pain, irritation, dryness, and skin damage associated with chemical burns, radiation dermatitis, hemorrhoids, eczema, psoriasis, shingles, tattoos, waxing, vulvodynia, lichen sclerosis, Sjogren’s, insect bites/stings, poison ivy/oak, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy/nerve pain.
Releveum® contains 4% lidocaine, the highest level allowed and approved by the FDA without a prescription which helps overcome pain barriers to aid in treatment and therapy. Aloe vera contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral compounds that may help prevent wound infections and helps stimulate collagen synthesis for quicker skin regeneration.
Aloe gel also contains vitamins C and E, plus the mineral zinc which supports healthy tissue development, wounds and helps aid in preventing scarring and discoloration of tissue.
Repeat radiation therapy and chemical treatments may cause exposed skin to peel more quickly than it can grow back, causing open sores. For skin to heal, it needs time to regenerate, a process that may take two to four weeks for mild reactions, or several months or more for serious injuries. Releveum® contains all-natural ingredients plus lidocaine for 4-6 hours of pain relief. No parabens, chemical additives, or artificial preservatives.
Releveum® can help with Vulvovaginal and Pudendal Neuralgia Nerve Pain symptoms.
- Releveum® contains all-natural ingredients plus 4% lidocaine.
- No parabens, chemical additives, or artificial preservatives.
- 100% organic aloe vera gel and the highest over-the-counter % lidocaine
- May help relieve pain associated with peripheral and chemo-induced neuropathy/nerve pain
- Use for radiation dermatitis/burns, sunburns, chemical & kitchen burns
- May help with pain, irritation, and itching from hemorrhoids, cutaneous wounds/ulcers, shingles, eczema, and psoriasis.
- Moisturizing, soothing, and effective for tattoos, vulvodynia, lichens sclerosis/planus, and Sjogren’s
- Safe and effective for all parts of the body
- 4-6 hours of pain relief
- Can be reapplied every 3 hours
- U.S. Patent No. 9,370,545
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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