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About Us

We Are Here to Help. We're Listening.

We are committed to promote your wellness through our high-quality products and a support platform.

Our company is inspired by the understanding that your health is the most important currency you have.

WEST COAST - Healthy lifestyle inspired by the beaches and scenery of Southern California.

MINT - Synonymous with health, perfection, manufacturer of currency, serene color, refreshing herb.

SUN ICON - We want to uplift our customers with a calming and hopeful image. The elusive Green Flash sunset reminds us to treasure the natural beauty around us.

COIN LOGO - Representing the value of your health as the most important investment you can make.

Our Mission

We saw a need to create a company that offers high-quality supplements & products along with an information platform so that people can spend more of their time healing instead of doing endless research.  

We launched the company with our own brand of D-Mannose and partnered with some of the top supplement companies for bladder wellness, inflammation, immune support and more.

Rochelle Stern, Founder & CEO

West Coast Mint was started during my recovery with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and Chronic UTIs (cUTI).  I was fortunate enough during that time to have met some of the best healthcare professionals -- both in western and alternative disciplines.​

During my recovery I became inspired to share as much information as possible in the hopes that it will help others. I thought this would be a great foundation for a site focused on bladder health & related conditions - single source to provide vital information and support with compassion and understanding.  

​I hope you find this site useful and wish you all the very best with your health.

