Dr. Carley Akehurst, ND

Dr. Carley Akehurst, ND
Dr. Carley Akehurst is a Naturopathic Physician with special interest in bladder wellness, interstitial cystitis, UTIs, chronic UTIs, pelvic health and other related conditions.
Dr. Carley Akehurst is based in Vancouver, BC and is currently treating local patients in person or by phone / video appointments. Currently, Dr. Akehurst can only treat patients who reside in BC.
Dr. Carley Akehurst works hard to provide compassionate, comprehensive and evidence-based care for her patients. She was first introduced to complementary and alternative medicine through several international study abroad programs. After completing her Bachelors degree at UBC, she expanded her knowledge of the medical field by working with both MDs and NDs. After choosing a career in naturopathic medicine, Dr. Akehurst followed her heart to the Boucher Institute to complete her four year medical degree.